14ft4in 1972 Browning Lark?

Date: 2018-10-03 21:58:38
City: Dayton
State: OH
Status: fs-deleted
Source: http://dayton.craigslist.org/boa/d/72-browning-aerocraft-144-boat/6714008630.html

72 Browning Aerocraft 14'4" Boat - $1000
72 Browning Aerocraft 14'4" Fiberglass boat
72 Mercury Merc 500 50HP motor
Last ran 2010, used for tubing, fishing. Friend bought bigger boat so stopped using mine.
Have boat title and trailer registration with tag.
Needs battery, no motor issues. $1000 OBO, need gone, selling house so boat has to go.

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