1976 Browning Aerocraft Mustang I - $650 (Hope)
Browning Aerocraft Mustang I made in St. Charles MI.
4 cylinder mercruiser inboard/outboard 16 & 1/2 foot.
Bought with of intentions of fixing using & selling, but available time is not cooperating. Was told it quit running on the water 3 years ago and was parked in yard ever since. I have found no reason to doubt that, I have rolled motor & lower unit over by hand to ensure no engine seizure and lower unit functions.
Has lots of bells & whistles including electric front anchor, radio, compass, etc...I will eventually get to it, but will pass it along to someone else with some time for tlc to make it a nice desirable classic.
Holsclaw trailer included. Tires held air to tow it home & are holding air parked in yard, lights do not work.
650 obo, may consider trade or partial trade for adult off road toy or child quad in the 80cc neighborhood but cash is king.
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