14ft 1960 AeroCraft Crest?

Date: 2015-08-12 21:47:30
City: Applegate
State: MI
Status: fs-deleted
Source: http://porthuron.craigslist.org/boa/5169405398.html

14' 1960 aerocraft aeroglass - $300 (Applegate michigan)
14' 1960 aerocraft aeroglass with a Scott 40 outboard motor it runs but has to be pull started. It need a new ignition and wiring it also needs gas tank and seats

Date: 2015-08-15 21:46:50
Source: http://porthuron.craigslist.org/boa/5174023106.html

14' 1960 aerocraft aeroglass - $300 (Applegate michigan)
14' 1960 aerocraft aeroglass with a Scott 40 outboard motor it runs but has to be pull started. It need a new ignition and wiring it also needs gas tank and seats. No emailing!!!

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