16ft browning aerocraft Mustang II

Date: 2015-07-14 17:19:17
City: Colorado Springs
State: CO
Status: fs-deleted
Source: http://cosprings.craigslist.org/boa/5122995369.html

16' fiberglass browning aerocraft mustang 2 - $400 (union and academy)
Decent project boat! I have 3 and really need to downsize so price is negotiable! Boat is just too big for me, I just fish! I had boat on Pueblo last year and did fine, only issue was top carb float slowly fills with fuel so float chamber overflows, could avoid issues by keeping speeds below 15mph..just needs new float on top carb to unleash full power. I have no doubt itll do 50mph. motor is 150hp inline 6 mercury 1500. high compression motor. idles/revs fine. motor easily worth 300$ alone.. replaced alot of nasty wiring on engine harness and reconditioned trim motor. previous owner was big fisher and had it for 15yrs and had it on 11 mile all the time. trailer very decent condition. tires still look good w no sidewall cracking.

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