9ft6in 1960? Aero craft E-10?

Date: 2015-07-07 10:40:01
City: Fulton
State: NY
Status: fs-expired
Source: http://syracuse.craigslist.org/boa/5110405467.html

9.5 ft aluminum row boat (fulton)
This is a 9.5 foot aero craft aluminum row boat. I don't have a registration for it. It was only used on a private lake and a stocked pond so it never made a difference to me. There is no trailer it was easier to just throw in the bed of a truck. 1 person can load and unload 2 people makes it real easy.

I have a 5hp motor that's in awesome condition and has been literally been used a total of a few times. I don't got any pics atm. I leave it at my dad's on a stand since it's heated.

I'm not in any hurry to sell.
I have no idea what year it is.
Yes. It had been registered at one point. I have no idea what it would take to get it registered. Technically if your not using a motor and only using oars you don't need it registered I saw on the DEC's website.

Make an offer. $$$ cash $$$ is king.
Will consider trades for other toys might throw in a little cash for something really interesting

Owners' copyrights apply to all images.

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