1979 AeroCraft Mustang II

Date: 2014-06-17 09:23:47
City: Keewatin
State: MN
Status: fs-deleted
Source: http://duluth.craigslist.org/boa/4524177251.html

1979 areocraft - $1000 (Keewatin)

I have a 1979 Aerocraft trihaul for sale. Boat and trailer both. The bad part is the boat has no motor. I blew it up 2 summers ago and haven't gotten around to fixing it. The boat will come with the trim and tilt just no motor. The boat is in good shape inside and out. There was a couple spots I had to refiberglass because I accidentally put the rollers through the bottom. It was on the lake tied to a dock for an entire summer after I fiberglassed it and it never leaked a single drop of water. I'm asking $1000 or best offer if interested shoot me an offer worst I can do is say no. I need it gone it's to big for my yard I have now.

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