14ft boat, trailer, 4hp & 9.9hp Evinrudes - $100 (Spokane)
Trailer-bought new 5 years ago. Put together, never used and never licensed. I have the certificate of origin. $150obo
Boat- 14ft Aerocraft aluminum. Great shape, no leaks with 2 swivel seats without bases. $300obo
4hp Evinrude- 1978. Hasn't been used in 5 years. Ran perfect when last used. Comes with gas tank. Should start right up. $250obo
9.9hp Evinrude- 1976. I got this from a family friend. It was tuned up then stored. I was told it has the 15hp upgrade, head etc. It hasn't been used in nearly ten years. It needs the connector between the fuel line and motor. $500obo
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